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Archive Special Rules


Special Rules

Occassionally, some games we run will have different or more detailed rules. They will be put on this page for reference.

Mission Game

There are some important differences between this game and our usual games. A ‘player’ is a normal player in the game, an agent fighting for DAGGER or The Opposition, including the team leaders. A ‘character’ is a Guild member playing a specific role- whether it be Command, a team leader, a scientist, an informant, or anything else. This game contains no player vs. player combat outside of missions. However, players may be assigned to interact with character outside of a mission. Characters cannot be interacted with outside of a mission unless that player has received a special mission from Command.

As you’re all secret agents working for shadowy organisations, none of you know what the other team’s agents look like. In terms of gameplay, you can’t attack someone just because you know they’re an assassin- the ‘serious aggressive motion’ rules are in place at all times. This applies even after respawns- Rezzomatitrons can be configured to give those so returned to life a new face.

A mission has no clear start and end time. Although there will usually be a time and location specified for a mission to take place, there may be activities players can perform before the mission to give them an advantage (such as setting an ambush in a location their enemies will pass through). As such, there is no official ‘time in’ when a mission starts, but we expect common sense, as always, to prevail.

For example, if you leave a lecture with an opponent and shoot them in the back, that’s lame. Likewise waiting outside someone’s house isn’t allowed- you don’t know who they are or where they live (see above). However, lying in wait near the mission site fifteen minutes in advance and ambushing enemies individually, before they can assemble properly, is clever and encouraged. This also applies to characters- just because you know Bobby will be playing the diplomat in today’s escort mission doesn’t mean you can pre-emptively grab him from his bed at six in the morning. While characters will try to be as permissive as possible, extremely eager players may be told that the character they think they’ve just jumped ‘isn’t here yet’ or something similar. Guild members have the last say on what does and doesn’t occur, so listen to their instructions.

The following weapons may be used in this game:
TAZER – Any small, stumpy box-shaped object clearly marked ‘TAZER’ may be used. A player is stunned for one minute if any part of their body touches a tazer held by another player.
RANGED TAZER – Any dry gun clearly marked ‘TAZER’, loaded with a single shot, which is connected to the gun using string, not thread, may be used. A ranged tazer may be reloaded as normal, but not converted from a ranged tazer to a dry gun and/or back again in the field. A player is stunned for one minute if any part of their body touches live ammunition from a ranged tazer, which is still attached by string to that ranged tazer.

Some things will cause a player to become ‘stunned’. When a player is stunned, they must immediately stop, stand still, fall silent, holster any weapons they are holding, place their hands on the back of the heads, and look at the ground.

If stunned in an unsafe location such as the middle of a road, the stunned player may take the most direct route to the nearest safe location before enacting their stun. While a player remains stunned, they must remain in this state. If a player is stunned for a duration of time, they may look at their watch or count under their breath to time accurately.

Stunned characters may generally be more pliable, timid, and/or manoeuvrable once stunned.

While the rules are in effect as normal, we’re allowing ‘creative interpretations’ of them with regard to characters and mission objectives. This is sort of hard to describe and potentially problematic, but here are a few examples:
– Shooting another player in the leg is a kill, as normal. However, deliberately shooting a character in the foot could stop them moving (and eventually result in them bleeding out…)
– The rules say that sabotage can only be used on guns, lightsabers, and explosives. However, if one mission revolved around one team moving a functional device to a specific location, if a member of the other team somehow managed to sabotage it en route without being noticed, I might rule several games down the line, when the device is used for the first time, that, to everyone’s surprise, it suddenly doesn’t work…

In short, while all the rules are in effect as normal, other Guild members and I may come up with a creative interpretation on the fly based on player actions to add to the ‘realism’ and overall fun.

Finally, proactive players are encouraged to contact Command in-between missions to request additional assignments…