Past Execs
Past Guilds
This page contains names, occasionally even pictures, (yeah, right) of those people who have run the society in the past, those who helped make the society what it is today:
Exec from 2020-2021
El Presidente and Social Secretary: Kyle “Goldenboy” Kean (St Aidan’s)

Secretary: Oliver Thompson(Van Mildert)

Treasurer: Robert Hobbs(South)

Librarian: William Liqourice(Jon Snow)

Finch Operator: Aedan Baker(Van Mildert)

Exec from 2019-2020
El Presidente and Social Secretary: Kyle “Goldenboy” Kean (St Aidan’s)

Vice President: Noah Knox (Josephine Butler)

Secretary: Robert Hobbs(South)

Treasurer: Chris Nightingale (St. John’s)

Librarian and Finch Operator: Aedan Baker(Van Mildert)

Exec from 2018-2019
El Presidente: Nick Lion (University)

Vice-President: Will “Trevor” Dowd (Trevelyan), s. Kyle “Goldenboy” Kean (St. Aidan’s)

Secretary: Benjamin Teall (Collingwood)

Treasurer: Elizabeth “Emma” Excell (St. Cuthbert’s)

Librarian: Noah Knox (Josephine Butler) shadowed by Miller Power (Ustinov)

Social Secretary: Jamie “Khrushchev” Murray (Grey)

Finch Operator: Kyle “Goldenboy” Kean (St. Aidan’s), s. Aedan Baker (Van Mildert)

Exec from 2017-2018
El Presidente: Ed “Neigh Neigh” Nathan (St. John’s)

Vice-President: Charlie “Traitor” Davis (St. Aidan’s)

Secretary: Miller Power (Ustinov)

Treasurer: Rupert Knight (Van Mildert)

Librarian: Benjamin Teall (Collingwood)

Social Secretary: Nick Lion (University)

Finch Operator: Chris Nightingale (St. John’s)

Exec from 2016-2017
El Presidente: Ed “Neigh Neigh” Nathan (St. John’s)

Vice-President: Will “Trevor” Dowd (Trevelyan)

Secretary: Miller Power (St. Hild & St. Bede)

Treasurer: Emily Barcroft (Collingwood)

Librarian: Cameron Margetts (Grey)

Social Secretary: Jon Pritchett (St Aidan’s)

Finch Operator: Kathryn “Tally” Elwell (Collingwood)

Exec from 2015-2016
El Presidente: Nicholas “Corner” Rudd (University)

Vice-President: Jason Bailey (St. Mary’s)

Secretary: Elizabeth “Eagles” Waller (Collingwood)

Treasurer: Emily Barcroft (Collingwood)

Social Secretary: Shannon English (Collingwood), s. Will “Trevor” Dowd (Trevelyan)

Social Secretary: Shannon English (Collingwood), s. Will “Trevor” Dowd (Trevelyan)

Finch Operator: Chris “Foxes” Gamble (Trevelyan)

Exec from 2014-2015
El Presidente: Nicholas “Corner” Rudd (University)

Vice-President: Adam “Goggles” Parnaby (Josephine Butler)

Secretary: Ashley “Kivz Ae” Joyce (Van Mildert)

Treasurer: James “McDuck” Murray (Josephine Butler)

Social Secretary: Aron “Fresher” Kearney (St. Cuthbert’s), s. Shannon English (Collingwood)

Librarian: Hazel “Hamster” Dixon (Van Mildert)

Finch Operator: Simon “Starbeard” Ball (University)

Exec from 2013-2014
El Presidente: John “Pavan” Exton (Stephenson), s. Nicholas “Corner” Rudd (University)

Vice-President: Becky “Becky” Lai (Grey), s. John “Pavan” Exton (Stephenson)

Secretary: Nicholas “Corner” Rudd (University), s. Kenneth “Mangler” Andrew (Grey)

Treasurer: Doug “Spades” Henderson (Van Mildert), s. James “McDuck” Murray (Josephine Butler)

Social Secretary: Clare Galwey (St. Hild & St. Bede)

Librarian: Adam “Goggles” Parnaby (Josephine Butler)

Finch Operator: Ben “Drop” Tattersley (St. Hild & St. Bede)

Exec from 2012-2013
El Presidente: John “Pavan” Exton (Stephenson)

Vice-President: Sean “The Void” Stilwell (St. Mary’s)

Secretary: Kenneth “Mangler” Andrew (Grey)

Treasurer: Doug “Spades” Henderson (Van Mildert)

Social Secretary: Harriet Hutchinson (Van Mildert), s. Emma Logan (Trevs)

Librarian: Adam “Weav” Symonds (Grey)

Finch Operator: Christopher “Mouse” King (Collingwood), s. Michael Spicer (Van Mildert)

Exec from 2011-2012
El Presidente: Adam “Weav” Symonds (Grey)

Vice-President: Tim “Drekkit” Campbell (St. Cuthbert’s), s. Christopher “Mouse” King (Collingwood)

Secretary: Alex “Fluffy” Punter (Van Mildert)

Treasurer: Sean “The Void” Stilwell (St. Mary’s),

Social Secretary: Becky “BeckyBecky” Ladley (St. Cuthbert’s), s. Becky “Becky” Lai (Grey)

Librarian: Emily “Bunny” Saunders (Hild-Bede)

Finch Operator: John “Pavan” Exton (Stephenson)

Exec from 2010-2011
El Presidente: Adam “Deevyde” Symonds (Grey)

Vice-President: Chris “Albek” Worth (St. Cuthbert’s)

Treasurer: Lucy “Sir Loose-a-Lot” Fraser (St. Cuthbert’s)

Secretary: Alex “Fluffy” Punter (Van Mildert)

Social Secretary: Becky “BeckyBecky” Ladley (St. Cuthbert’s)

Code Monkey: Myre “Christine” Haywood (Uni. Northumbria)

Finch Operator: Tim “Drekkit” Campbell (St. Cuthbert’s)

Exec from 2009-2010
El Presidente: David “Biscuit Baron” Greenwood (Van Mildert)

Vice-President: Adam “Deevyde” Symonds (Grey)

Treasurer: Sam “Torquemada” Sowden-Garcia (St. Mary’s)

Secretary: Daniel “Lucky” Smedley (St. Hild & St. Bede)

Social Secretary: Becky “BeckyBecky” Ladley (St. Cuthbert’s)

Code Monkey: David “Patsy” Kaye (Grey)

Finch Operator: Graham “G” Smith (St. John’s)

Exec from 2008-2009
El Presidente: David “Patsy” Kaye (Grey)

Vice-President: Peter “Zorro” Collington (Hatfield)

Treasurer: Jonathan “Moleytov” Davis (Josephine Butler)

Secretary: Jennifer “Salgueira” Bradford (Josephine Butler)

Social Secretary: Dave “Biscuit Baron” Greenwood (Van Mildert)

Code Monkey: Adam “Deevyde” Symonds (Grey)

Finch Operator: Nicky “Edain” Boak (University)

Exec from 2007/2008
El Presidente: Nick Harkin (Grey)

Vice-President: Claire Steele (St. Hild & St. Bede)

Treasurer: Peter “Zorro” Collington (Hatfield)

Secretary: Nick Brown (St. Mary’s)

Social Secretary: Position Vacant. (Acting Social Secretary: Nicky “Edain” Boak (University))

Code Monkey: Jonathan “Moleytov” Davis (Josephine Butler)

Finch Operator: Tim Bartram (Hatfield)

Viceroy: Lewie Procter (Stephenson)

Exec from 2006/2007
El Presidente: Joe Dowland (St. John’s)

Vice-President (inc. Treasurer): Philip “Iasus” Dennis (St. Hild & St. Bede), s. Nicky “Edain” Boak (University)

Secretary: Claire Steele (St. Hild & St. Bede)

Social Secretary: Alice Ambrose Smith (Hild Bede)

Code Monkey: David Griffith (Trevelyan)

Finch Operator: Laurence “Lloyd” Chorley (St. Hild & St. Bede) s. Peter “Zorro” Collington (Hatfield)

Viceroy: Adam Hart (Stephenson) s. Lewie Procter (Stephenson)

Exec from 2005/2006
El Presidente: Nicky ‘Edain’ Boak (University)

Vice-President (Treasurer): David ‘Patsy’ Kaye (Grey)

Secretary: Freya Copley-Mills (University)

Social Secretary: Craig Landells (Van Mildert) s. Alice Ambrose Smith (St. Hild & St. Bede)

Finch Operator & Code Monkey: David Griffith(Trevelyan)

Exec from 2004/2005
El Presidente: Alexis Smith (Grey)

El Vice-Presidente: Nicky “Edain” Boak (University)

Treasurer: Neil Whitfield (Grey)

Secretary : Graham Wadie (Van Mildert)

Social Secretary: Ollie “OJ” Smith (Grey)

Game Warden : David Kaye (Grey)

Finch Operator: Ben Haytack (Grey)

Exec from 2003/2004
El Presidente: Guy Wilson (Van Mildert)

El Vice Presidente: Neil Whitfield (Grey)

Treasurer:Alexis Smith (Grey)

Secretary: Pete “Chainsaw” Urquhart (Grey)

Social Secretary: “Miss” Scarlett Moore (St. Cuthbert’s)

Game Warden: Isobel McLeod (Grey)

Finch Operator: “Crazy” Dave Griffith (Trevelyan) s. David “Patsy” Kaye (Grey)

Exec from 2002/2003
Mr President: Guy Wilson (Van Mildert)

Mr Vice President: David “Gimby” James (Van Mildert)

Treasurer: Alex “Iskander” Newsham (Hatfield)

Secretary: Pete “Chainsaw” Urquhart (Grey)

Social Secretary: Pete “The Beast” Owlett (Grey)

Game Warden: Neil “Surgeon” Parkin (St. Hild & St. Bede), s. Neil Whitfield (Grey)

Finch Operator: Owen “OJ” Lewis (Grey), s. “Crazy” Dave Griffith (Trevelyan)

Exec from 2001/2002
El Presidente: Jennifer Curtis (Hatfield)

El Vice Presidente: Chris “Death Bunny” Arthur (St. Aidan’s)

Treasurer: Owen “OJ” Lewis (Grey)

Secretary: Ruth “Lara” Hames (Collingwood)

Social Secretary: Simon Key (St. John’s)

Game Warden: Kat “in the hat” Blake (Van Mildert), s. Neil “Surgeon” Parkin (St. Hild & St. Bede)

Finch Operator: Paul Leake (DSU)

Exec from 2000/2001
El Presidente: Jess “Mithrandir” Wardman (St. Chad’s)

El Vice Presidente: Alex “Thor” Stangroom (St. John’s)

Treasurer: Kat Blake (Van Mildert)

Secretary: Ruth “Lara” Hames (Collingwood)

Social Secretary: Amanda Walker (University)

Game Warden: Chris “Death Bunny” Arthur (St. Aidan’s)

Finch Operator: Tom Calver (Ustinov/Gradsoc)

Exec from 1999/2000
President: Matt Horsley
Vice-President: Nick Bradbeer
Treasurer: Dunc Taylor
Secretary: Gareth Brandon
Social Secretary: Steph Flude
Game Warden: Trev Roberts, s. Chris Arthur
Finch Operator: Ben Hill
Exec from 1998/1999
President: James Asher
Vice-President: Nick Bradbeer
Treasurer: Matt Stratford
Secretary: Iain “Who he?” Row
Social Secretary: Steph Flude
Game Warden: Dave Illsley
Finch Operator: Tom Calver
Exec from 1997/1998
President: Martin Rowe
Vice-President, and brains behind the Diplomatic Corps: Tamlan Dipper
Treasurer: Robin Cannon
Secretary: Stephen Turton
Social Secretary: Andrew Knighton
Game Warden: Peter Younger
Finch Operator: David Lewis
Exec from 1996/1997
President: Frank Pike
Vice-President: Scott Mclean
Treasurer: Jamie Whitehorn
Secretary: Nathan “Nord” Kirk